Poem to Logan

Created by crazeehouse 11 years ago
To my grandchild loved and lost. Although we only knew you as a small bump in mums tum, to lose you has hit us so hard. Your mummy and daddy loved you so much and cared for your every need. A large void is now in their heart. Nanny & granddad who were waiting to hold and cuddle you look after you and love you as much as they love their own children your mummy & daddy. Our hearts now broken our love for you stronger. Our love and thoughts turn to our own past when we cuddled and loved our own little one, your mummy. Knowing the love she and daddy feels for you , but not being able to watch you grow, it breaks our hearts . So now baby angel you've touched our hearts it's now time for you to make your own journey but with you, you'll take the knowledge that you are loved by lots and missed by many and take our love with you to keep you warm and our thoughts to bring you joy . We love you baby angel god bless and watch over you. Our love always Nanny & Granddad